Hello :D 
I think it is really interesting how the children of immigrants are treated in the US in relation to Germany. 
As far as I know do children who are born in Germany and whose parents have stayed in Germany for at least eight year permanently, get two passports (a German one and one of their parents home country). A new political decission, which was decided last week,  also allowes the children now to keep both of their passports. These children are allowed to go to school/university and may also receive BaföG (the special student loans i was writing about in an earlier post).
But there are still a great number of illegal immigrants that come to Germany. One of my flatmates for example was first an illegal immigrant. He was pursued due to political reasons in his homecountry and therefore fled to Germany. Staying in Germany he got arrested by the police, who compelled him to claim asylum. So he did and is now allowed to stay in Germany. Unfortunately not all stories end like this and a lot of people have to live under unhuman conditions in fear of human traffickers. 

Here is another story of illegal immigrants in Germany: 

11/15/2016 12:52:29 am

Immigrants made their way through the many years of social and economic adaptation. Immigrants made their way through the many years of social and economic adaptation, but as I read in this <a href="http://boomessays.com/blog/essay-us-immigration-problem">post</a> the immigration situation of 80-90s in general had a positive impact on the economy.As we continue to welcome new immigrants to our shores, we can keep progressing, keep building and keep moving the world as a whole forward in a more positive direction.


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