Hello :D 
I think it is really interesting how the children of immigrants are treated in the US in relation to Germany. 
As far as I know do children who are born in Germany and whose parents have stayed in Germany for at least eight year permanently, get two passports (a German one and one of their parents home country). A new political decission, which was decided last week,  also allowes the children now to keep both of their passports. These children are allowed to go to school/university and may also receive BaföG (the special student loans i was writing about in an earlier post).
But there are still a great number of illegal immigrants that come to Germany. One of my flatmates for example was first an illegal immigrant. He was pursued due to political reasons in his homecountry and therefore fled to Germany. Staying in Germany he got arrested by the police, who compelled him to claim asylum. So he did and is now allowed to stay in Germany. Unfortunately not all stories end like this and a lot of people have to live under unhuman conditions in fear of human traffickers. 

Here is another story of illegal immigrants in Germany: 

Danke Marion für die interessanten Videos über Flüchtlinge. Es sieht so aus als ob die zwei Länder unterschiedliche Regeln für Ausländer haben. Ein anderes Thema ist die illegal Einwanderung. In den USA gibt es das Geburtsrecht, aber es gibt viele Kinder von diesen Einwandern, die in einem anderen Land geboren worden sind. Trotzdem haben sie fast ihr ganzes Leben in den USA gelebt, sie sind keine Amerikaner. Es gibt eine neue politische Diskussion in den USA, über diese Kinder und ihre Rechte. Es ist besonderes schwierig für diese Kinder zur Universität gehen werden, weil es für sie kein Studentendarlehen gibt. Unten ist eine interessante Video über dieses Problem. 

I hope this gives you a little insight of living in Heidelberg.





Marion, was denkst du über dieses Video von Yale? 

What an amazing video! Now I really have an idea of how everything works at Yale. 
I think the idea of the residential colleges is just awesome :D

The University of Education is educating teachers for primary and secondary schools but also teachers for special needs education. There are also a few Bachelor and Master programs, but just in the education field, which means that students have to decide before the first semester what they want to study.
But there is not just the University of Education in Heidelberg, but also the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, which was founded as one of the first universities in Europe in 1386. This is where most of Heidelbergs students study (29,000).
Since there are ten different universities and colleges in Heidelberg there is one organisation for students which is called “Studentenwerk”, you may translate it as student services, but as far as I know it is quite different from the student services in the US. The Studentenwerks business is to help the students finance their studies with special loans or scholarships. The special student loans look for example like this: depending on how wealthy you and your family are, you get up to 600€ monthly for the standard period of your studies, four years after the end of your studies you may pay back not more than 10,000€ in at least three rates. The Studentenwerk is also in charge of the different cafeterias in Heidelberg. All over the city are four great dining halls which provide the students with all kinds of food. There are also certain university sport options, which are for all the students in Heidelberg. For further informations you may visit this link:

When it comes to student housing, students usually have to go to so called “WG-Castings”, several flat views or have the chance to get a student residence from the “Studentenwerk” of Heidelberg.  But there are only 13% that get the chance of living in a dorm in a student residence, since there are almost 33,000 students in Heidelberg. The rest of the students have to go on apartment-hunting.